Dennis Smith, P.A. | Surfside Lawyer
Legal & Medical Malpractice

Legal & Medical Malpractice

Legal & Medical Malpractice

The failure of a professional to live up to the standard of care that is required of them, which directly causes harm to a client or patient is a serious matter. Our laws in these cases are complicated and convoluted. These cases present unique challenges and we can assist in navigating these challenges.

Most doctors and lawyers are very good at what they do, and a failure to use due care is rare, but when it happens the results are often catastrophic. We carefully screen these cases to make sure your case is legally sound and that your problem is one that merits making such a claim. These are not cases that are taken on lightly and many questions have to be asked and answered before the right course can be found.

We are always happy to discuss your concerns in these cases. In South Carolina the playing ground is tilted against you. There are special rules that apply in professional malpractice cases that don't exist in other cases. We know when and how these rules apply and we know how to put the hard work into these cases that is needed to make sure that your best interests and your rights are protected.

The vast majority of lawyers are honest and capable, but unfortunately in every profession there are those few who are not. We have helped people in many such circumstances and we stand ready to help you if such a problem presents itself in your life.

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